Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Oh Bihar don't you have tears?.

I was quite happy when Mr. Nitish Kumar won the elections dethroning the 15 yr old 'misrule' of Laloo-Rabri combine in late 2005. I thought that would pave the way for the progress of a state which had great history, abundant natural resources but sadly featured last in almost all developmental indices and had the worst law and order situation- less said is the better. But I was proved wrong by some shocking incidents which took place in a space of 30 days.

First came the shocking video of a man, an alleged chain snatcher, beaten black and blue by a mob and later dragged along a motor cycle by- who else a police man- left many a people hang their heads in shame. And the way the TV channels and press celebrated the incident was as deplorable as the incident was. Then came the news of gouging out of eyes of 3 motor cycle thieves by an angry mob which left a chill down my spine. Then the most dastardly act happened only last week. Ten alleged robbers were clubbed to death by yet another angry mob.
These three incidents effectively portrays the state of law and order situation in the state of Bihar.

I was shocked by the turn of events but not sad. Instead fear was the feeling I had after these incidents and it left me reeling with many questions.
How could people be so inhumane?
How could the police turn a blind eye towards what was happening right under their noses?
How could the media celebrate such stories showing visuals repeatedly without any remorse?
How could people in large numbers have such criminal psyche?
How could Mr. Nitish Kumar be criminally impassive in executing his duties?

And last not but the least. I never heard a comment from the intelligentsia who so frequently raise much hue and cry about "nothings"

Shame on you Bihar. Shame on you Nitish Kumar. Shame on me.

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Blogger quintarantino said...

Awful... can't say anything more!

1:50 PM  
Blogger Pijush said...

Its not with Bihar dear, more or less the problem exists in all the states. Its our call to change it.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Seema B Menon said...

A reply to your comment on my blog...

"Time is a healer. There are moments when things come back but then we adapt and move on with life.

We will never cease to be ourselves by letting go of the past. That is what life is all about. There are others who live for you, others who need you to be with them. Live for them rather than trying to hold on to what is no more.

That is exactly what my blog portrays. The only way to recover is to believe in the unseen and what has no proof."

5:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Situation is deteriorating in every state but these incidents are the height...It is scary ..how easy it had become for people to kill and see blood...nothing can justify this horror

7:23 AM  
Blogger Lakshmi said...

Sad..and to think historically, Patna or Pataliputra has been one of the cradles of civilisation...ironically Buddhism is supposed to have originated from here...I think if the
current and next generation make it a point to change Bihar, we can do it...but apathy is a worse crime

4:43 AM  
Blogger Movie Mazaa said...

Trust u to come up with timely posts on real relevant causes as these!!:)

And the last line!!
Wow! Whopper!

4:57 AM  
Blogger Seema B Menon said...

A reply to your comment on my blog...

Of course yes... all the blog conveys is, never let the past hold u back in a way that might tamper with your future... but yes, opinions do vary... thanks for taking time to read...

10:00 PM  
Blogger Sindhu Menon said...

rowds .........people were inhuman but more inhuman were the people who were there shooting it .let alone trying to stop it ........
And another thing is people love power ......when they know that they can use it they do so ........
bihar is a place where even the cops break rules .......this had to happen someday .......
but now the actual ? is if the videos have touched the right note atleast in a few people who would work towarsd getting things settled down in a more or rather less violent way

11:47 PM  
Blogger Beenzzz said...

It's frightening how mankind can be so ruthless with each other. Quite sad....

7:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We've taken this as 'something that cannot be changed'. People who have tried, have been mowed. Having stayed in Bihar for a while, I have seen my folks tow the line when it comes to giving bribes - to make passports, for licenses. Who does one protest to? I have tried, and it took one year and four police verifications to get my passport made - and the last three I had to pay bribes after learning my lesson in the first.

12:56 AM  
Blogger quintarantino said...

Hi there... no news from India lately?

2:43 AM  

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